Mark Buczynski » Overview of Mr. Buczynski

Overview of Mr. Buczynski

Greetings parents & students,
My name is Mr. Buczynski, I am your Social Studies teacher for both 6th and 7th grade.
I graduated with a B.A. in History in 2011, and an M.A. in 2014, graduating magna cum laude for both degrees. I have been out of teaching for 7 years as I was working in the business sector, but have now returned to education. I specialized in Eastern European studies, namely during the interwar period.
In 6th grade, we will be discussing a variety of topics involving World History, everything from the founding of civilization in Mesopotamia, to the birth of the Roman Republic. In 7th grade, we will start with the early American civilizations and continue down the historical roadmap of the United States until we reach the beginnings of turmoil which lead to the Civil War (which you will continue in 8th grade).
During these tumultuous times, I understand the difficulty many of you are facing as parents. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly via e-mail! I am here to not only educate your children, but help you in any capacity in which I deem necessary.
Stay safe, wash your hands, wear your masks, and let's get through this together.
Supply List:
1. Chromebook
2. Chromebook Charger
3. Notebook
4. Writing Utensil (Black/blue pen preferred)
5. Folder