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Horace Mann Cougars

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Achieving Excellence Together

Recent News

Miss Chocolate Fall Fundraiser

Fall Fundraiser - Miss Chocolate

Our Fall Miss Chocolate fundraiser has started! All packets have been sent home for students to register online or brochures so they can sell in-person! The sale ends October 1st! If you have any questions, please contact your child's homeroom teacher.

Thank you in advance for your support!
Title 1 Parent Meeting!

Annual Title I Parent Meeting

Please join us on October 2nd from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM, as we provide information about the Title I program. Title I is a federal program that allocates funding to local school districts to improve the academic achievement of low performing students, particularly in English Language Arts and Math.

Hope to see you there!
Attendance Spirit Week!

Attendance Spirit Week! 9/16-9/20

Get ready! Horace Mann's first Attendance Spirit Week kicks off on Monday September 16th - 20th!

*Students must still wear appropriate footwear and school pants.*
Movie Night!

September Events!

Hello All!

The Student Council is excited to share some new events that will be held throughout this school year. Attached are flyers for our September events. Details are found on the flyers.

Talk Like a Pirate: September 19th (school wide)
Movie Night: September 26th (all grades welcomed)

Upcoming Events

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