Robert Bannon » WELCOME TO 5th GRADE!


Hello 5th Graders and families!
My name is Mr. Bannon. I am so excited to be your 5th grade Science & Social Studies teacher at Horace Mann! It is my first year at Horace Mann after spending 10 years at Kennedy School! I am so ready and thrilled for new adventures with you and the other teachers at Horace Mann! We will have a great year learning all about " How America Was Born" in Social Studies and TONS of fun Science information such as cells, animals, atom, etc. I promise a fun year!
Sadly, I know this year is different than any other! Last year was something I never could have imagined! I am here to be a support and resource through these tough times! I know this is new for us all, but I urge you to follow the schedule! Try to get your work done on time, and take this as serious as you would in the building! I am always available to you! Email me, call Horace Mann, or send me a message on Google Classroom! It may be different, it may be new, but it is GOING TO BE GREAT! 
See you in class!
Mr. Bannon
Enter your text here...
1. Check School Email
2. Check Remind for Updates
3. Check Google Classroom
4. Be on time! Follow the schedule and be live in Google Hangouts
5. Check Parent Portal for grades
6. Make sure all work is completed on time!
7. Believe in yourself-Speak positive thoughts and actions! You've got this!

1. Be respectful. While it is easier to say hurtful or disrespectful things without standing face-to-face with someone, it is important to remember that your classmates and teachers are real people who are affected by the words you say and write.  It is essential to keep in mind the feelings and opinions of others, even if they differ from your own.  If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t say it online either.


2. Be aware of strong language, all caps, and exclamation points. It is easy for written text to be misread and misunderstood.  Have you ever sent a text message with good intent but your recipient thought you were being rude? If so, then you’ve experienced this firsthand.  By being cognizant of strong language, you can identify potential confusions before sending messages.  Tip: Read everything out loud before you send it.


3. Be careful with humor and sarcasm. Certainly you shouldn’t avoid being funny. We love to see your personality shine through in online classes.  Many of our teachers are exceptionally funny too.  But like mentioned in Rule #2, make sure that it is clear you are being funny and not being rude. Emoticons and smileys can be helpful when conveying humor or sarcasm so that it is read correctly. Just remember to keep the smiley faces away from academic papers. 😉


4. Yes, grammar and spelling matter. While texting, textspeak can b gr8 4 ur friends.  In an educational setting (even online) however, keep it formal.  Your written communication should be professional and reflect proper writing style. 


5. Cite your sources. Whenever you are sharing an idea that originated from someone else (even if it is not word for word), it is good practice to cite that source.  This applies to discussion forums too.  If you read a great thought in your text, share it, but be sure you let your audience know where you saw it first.


6. Don’t post or share (even privately) inappropriate material. Enough said there. Nothing is truly private online.


7. Be forgiving. Remember that not everyone will know these rules before posting. Try to be understanding of others when they struggle with written communication.  It is very different than simply talking to a person face-to-face.

Hi 5-2 Homeroom!
Below is your daily schedule!
Period 1 (9-9:40) Special
Monday -Art Tuesday- World Language Thursday-Music Friday-Gym
Period 2 & 3(9:40-11) Sci/Social Studies (Mr. Bannon)
Period 4 (11-11:40) Tier 3/Enrichment
Period 5 (11:40-12:20) Lunch
Period 6 & 7 (12:20-1:40) ELA (Mrs. Billings)
Period 8 & 9 (2:20-3) Math ( Mrs. Holbrook)
These are the supplies you will need for Virtual Learning Marking Period 1.
  • Headphones/Ear buds
  • Post Its
  • Highlighter
  • 1 Subject Spiral Notebook (wide ruled)
  • 1 Composition Notebook (wide ruled)
  • Pens (Blue or Black)
  • Pencils
  • 1 Folder
*After Marking Period 1 when we return to school we will add more items to the list.*
Reach Out on Remind-
Call the school- 201-295-2880
Reach out and stay in touch!